Kashmir Civitas is a global advocacy and civil society organization aimed at provoking real change in the disputed territory of Kashmir. We want demilitarization. We want an end to Indian colonization. We want a free and fair plebiscite. Currently, our movement has presence in several cities across the globe, rooted with Kashmiri youth, who are unapologetic about their faith, heritage and culture. Moreover, we oppose all forms of extremism – or disempowerment, whether that manifests as religious or secular tyranny. Although led by those with roots in the Valley of Kashmir, it has key representation from all districts of the disputed territory. However, our most important strength are the people on the ground in Indian-Occupied Kashmir – since they are the future of the resistance and exist in the epicentre of violence. Our objective is to honestly represent/support that ground reality as represented by the Joint Resistance Leadership (JRL), and not misrepresent their aspirations. If you would like to join, then get in touch.